[Cole Wilson]
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Hello! I'm a student with a passion for computers, math, astronomy, robotics, cybersecurity, and more.

Right now, I'm...

Some cool things I've done recently are...

Featured Projects

webwombat is a powerful web proxy service. It enables people to write complex rules to reroute and rewrite traffic, and is incredibly configurable. The design of it makes it so it can be used as a web server, a reverse HTTP proxy, MITM listening server, and much much more. It uses custom logic to create SSL certificates on the fly, and its own domain specific config language. You can also extend its functionality by creating custom Python functions that edit HTTP messages. This is a huge project so please take a look at the linked GitHub repo with more info!
Interactive World Cup Bracket is a website to show standings from the 2022 FIFA World Cup. It's the most popular project I had made, netting over 130K views during the course of the tournament and getting to #2 on Hacker News! It is currently reflecting the end of the 2022 Cup, but will update for 2026 Cup also! I was unable to find a data source for the 2023 Women's Cup but will really try and get that working for the 2027 one.
The USS ProtoStar took up nearly all of my time senior year, and I'm so happy about it! In the on-season I worked as programming lead developing code for the USS ProtoStar: our robot for the 2024 Crescendo FRC Season. You can learn more about the USS ProtoStar and its code by clicking the bold link at the start of this paragraph. In the offseason (late 2023), I helped write the code for the TheaterBot: a DnD Monster "Beholder" that we made for a local high school's theater production. It was a great intro to the FRC programming ecosystem!

All Projects... (reverse chronological order)